Well, my steroid dosage is down! 2 mg in the morning, 2 mg at night. It doesn't seem to be going fast enough though. The side effects are really driving me insane. I'm so warm all the time. I have my window wide open at work, and I just sit there and sweat pretty much all day. And then there's the weird, sporadic sleep pattern, even the Ambien doesn't seem to help much.
On Sunday, I'm down to just 2 mg in the morning. My MRI is Tuesday morning, and that will be my last day of the devil drugs. They'll be FedEx-ing my MRI to Dr. Uhm at the Mayo Clinic just to check it out and make sure everything's breaking down the way it should.
Now to figure out how to detox my body so I "unpuff." I'd really rather not have this huge belly and moon face while trying to wear a swimsuit and take pictures.
Speaking of swimsuit, NINE DAYS...NINE DAYS...NINE DAYS. I cannot wait to get on the beach and just relax and hang out with Nate. And I'm still so pumped about our free uprade to the nicer cottage! It is literally steps to the beach from Chart House.

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