We went out to dinner at Cafe Diva; it was fondue night. Neither of us had ever had fondue before, but it was delicious!

On a walk downtown, it was actually blue skies and nice out, but for some reason this picture looks like we're in a storm!

Also on the walk downtown, along the river.

Just about there and just about time for dinner at Mambo Italiano

We attempted to hike The Devil's Causeway. This was one of the lakes on the way up to the trailhead.

Nate also in front of the same lake/resevoir.

I love how the colors reflect off the water!

The Flattop Mountains in south Routt County

And this is the reason why we didn't get to hike up to the Causeway. It started snowing on us!!

Brrr! It's c-c-c-cold!

The nearest town to the Causeway is Yampa (one of the tiny-ass towns in south Routt County). I could not believe that most of their streets are dirt!

This was just too funny, haha!

SHEEP! On the way back there was a whole bunch of sheep on the mountainside. So like tourists, we pulled over so I could take a picture.

We got rained out of the hike to the seconds falls at Fish Creek that we were supposed to do on Saturday, so instead it was pumpkin carving and wine!

And the end results!!
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