Mom, Dad, and Bri came to visit for the Fourth of July Weekend.
On the gondola to the top of Thunderhead Peak. I still contend that I look high in this picture.
Mom & Dad in the gondola

On the little nature trail at the top of Thunderhead

All cowgirl-ed up for the Cowboy Roundup Days Rodeo

Getting ready for the hike up to the second falls

Dad with his girls on the hike up to the second falls at Fish Creek

Taking a break on the hike

There were pretty wild flowers all along the trail. I didn't even realize I got Dad & Bri in this picture until afterwards.

This is the point where Bri & I realize that Mom had been taking pictures of our butts for the last ten minutes.

The newest addition to my apartment: a pretty, sassy lil betta named Fancy :) I am officially a crazy fish lady.
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