Nate came to visit for 6 days! We had several adventures; the first being me driving down to Denver to get him. I swear he is cursed when it comes to airports. Because of runway construction in Denver, his flight was delayed an hour, causing him to miss the connection to Steamboat. *Smacks hand on forehead*....
Now if I had been thinking, I would've packed my bags and we would've stayed at a hotel Wednesday night. However, I thought his bags had to go to Steamboat and that we had to come back. So, we got real familiar with I-70.
On Thursday, we drove back down to Denver for the Rise Against/Rancid concert at Red Rocks. Before the show we ate at a cool Mexican restaurant in Morrison, sat on the rooftop patio. Luckily, the rain held off and the concert was a blast! I was so thankful we had gotten a hotel for Thursday night. There's no way we could've driven back to Steamboat that night.
We drove back through Estes Park, Rocky Mountain National Park, and Grand Lake. RMNP is so beautiful! It was great to see some elk and a moose too.
The never-ending rain in Steamboat foiled our hiking plans :( but we still had fun just hanging out.
On Sunday, we went up to the hot springs. As we were driving up there, a wicked thunderstorm rolled in--lightning and thunder like crazy! Needless to say, we waited in the suburban until the storm rolled through before getting in the springs.
Nate took off Monday morning and actually made it back to Madison without any problems! Yay! There's too many pictures to upload here, so follow this link to see the rest.
Ta ta for now.
Love Always,
4 years ago