Saturday, December 15, 2007

College Graduate

As of 11:00 this morning, I am officially a college graduate!! Not much time to write now, have a lot of packing and partying with friends to do. I leave for Steamboat Springs at 5:00 am tomorrow to start my real person job on Monday (for two days anyways--I don't officially move 'til January 4th!)

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

One Down

Mini AW: One goal completed for 2007

This afternoon I finished my internship presentation and I got an A for the whole deal. Yay for me!

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Sun Burn in Freezing Temperatures

This is just further proof how freakin' Scandinavian/German I am. Even though I look like I'm Irish (reddish hair, pale skin, freckles)--same effect when in contact with UV rays though. I went tanning for 7 minutes today...7 minutes...and I am now a lovely shade of Christmas red! Pasty pale white winter skin apparently doesn't fair well with that amount of time. Maybe I should've started with 5 minutes. Good grief.

On a happy note, I'm starting to get festive. I made a trip to my local scrapbooking store and got some things to make Christmas cards! I spent the last couple hours being crafty and creative...instead of studying for my Econ quiz tomorrow. Whoops! On a side note, I can't wait 'til I can have a room devoted soley to scrapbooking and my other crafting hobbies. Oh some day, when I'm not so poor and I no longer rent my living quarters.

I Love Brett Favre

God asks Peyton Manning first: "What do you believe?" Peyton thinks long and hard, looks God in the eye, and says, "I believe in hard work, and in staying true to family and friends. I believe in giving. I was lucky, but I always tried to do right by my fans." God can't help but see the essential goodness of Manning, and offers him a seat to his left.

Then God turns to Tony Romo and says, "What do you believe?"Tony says, "I believe passion, discipline, courage and honor are the fundamentals of life. I, too, have been lucky, but win or lose, I've always tried to be a true sportsman, both on and off the playing fields." God is greatly moved by Tony's sincere eloquence, and he offers him a seat to his right.

Finally, God turns to Brett Favre: "And you, Brett, what do you believe?"
Brett replies, "I believe you're in my seat."

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

While I'm Waiting To Go Drinking

I saw Sarah had posted this, and it looks like something fun to do while I'm waiting to go eat wings, drink, and watch a band play with my girl Kendra!

Here’s what you do:
1) Answer the questions and type into Google image search
2) Post a picture from first results page

• the age you will be on your next birthday

• a place you’d like to visit

one of your favorite places

• your favorite object

• your favorite food

• your favorite animal

•your favorite color

•name of a past pet

•where you live

•1st grade teacher’s last name

•your middle name •a bad habit of yours

•your college major


•your favorite holiday